Saturday, December 2, 2006

**Astronomy WebQuest**

(EDU 505)


It is time to blast into space! Have you ever wondered what it is like to live on another planet in our solar system? What is their weather like? What is the planet made of? Is there something special about it? It is now our chance to explore the solar system and rocket off into space!!


With a partner you will explore all 9 planets, including Pluto… the dwarf planet!!!
Using the resources (the given websites) you and your partner will answer specific questions about all 9 planets using your graphic organizer.
With the information gathered you and your partner will create a newspaper front page which includes a daily report from the planet and one article from the planet’s point of view.


Choose a partner and fill out your graphic organizer about all nine planets using the included websites.
Decide with your partner what planet you are going to do your newspaper front page on and tell the teacher.
Create a newspaper front page by looking at the examples the teacher has provided and using the answers from your completed graphic organizers. Include a daily report about your planet and an article from the planet’s point of view.


•Name of Planet:
•What is it made of:
•Distance from sun:
•Orbit Period:
•Length of day:
•Average temperature:
•Number of moons:
•Rings? What are they made of?
•Special features:
•Three other facts about planet:


Astronomy for Kids
ZOOM Astronomy
Astronomy for Kids
Amazing Space
American Museum of Natural History-Ology
Eyes on the Sky - Feet on the Ground


3 Points
2 Points
1 Point
0 Points
Graphic Organizer Answers
Answers show detail and great thought
Answers show some detail and some thought
Answers are complete, but lack thought or detail
Many answers are missing or lack thought
Newspaper Page Design
Newspaper design shows excellent effort
Newspaper design shows some effort
Newspaper design shows lack of effort
Newspaper is missing or design
Daily Report on Planet
Daily report shows excellent effort and great detail
Daily report shows some effort and some detail
Daily report lacks effort and detail
Daily report on a specific planet is missing
Article from the Planet’s Point of View
Article shows excellent effort and great detail
Article shows some effort and some detail
Article lacks effort and detail
Article is missing


I hope you all enjoyed your adventure through space!! As you saw, there are many great websites that we can use to find valuable information about astronomy. I am excited to see all of the work you have done on your planet newspapers. I am looking forward to sharing them with the entire class!!

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