Tuesday, June 25, 2013

KAOS in the KITCHEN: Deviled Eggs, Take x1


I sat up in bed one morning and said, "I want some deviled eggs!" 
I don't think I've had one in years, you know, because I'm not really the picnic and social function type. Turns out, they're quite easy to whip up. Much easier than bread making. 

Recipe and ingredients easy, but had no relish or, hell, what was the other thing I forgot to put in? Horseradish something? I honestly don't even know what that is. Basically just used salt, pepper, yolks of 7.5 eggs (there was an incident), Miracle Whip, and mustard. I measured nothing and threw it all in a bowl. I may have added more mustard and mayo than needed, but after my 4th yummy deviled egg and wanting to throw up from the indulgence, I knew I succeeded.  I gave myself a pat on the breast and said job well done. 

I don't think I'll have another deviled egg for a few more years.  I wish this worked with french fries. 

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